How to be an Argentine Soccer Fan

As the 2014 World Cup intensifies in Rio, blood pressures are on the rise, shouting reverberates throughout residential neighborhoods, and more and more soccer fans are finding their voices as they cheer for the Argentine team. What began as a fight that extended across the globe is quickly turning into the “Latin American Cup,” with a surprising number of teams from Central and South America advancing towards the final round.
In case you find yourself in Mendoza, Argentina during a soccer match (or even if you’re cheering from abroad), there are a few critical tips you’ll need to keep in mind in order to be a proper Argentine soccer fan.
1. Don’t ask about the rules
Perhaps among less impassioned fans you could get away with asking someone to explain the meaning of offside and corner kicks, but Argentines will stare at you bug-eyed as though you had just asked if the earth is really as round as people think.
2. Love Messi
He’s number 10.
3. Learn the words
When it comes to an Argentine soccer match, don’t bother studying the lyrics of the national anthem. Instead, focus on perfecting the subtle art and exact science of stringing together colloquial profanity. Feel free to steer clear of the truly rough language, and focus your efforts solely on the PG-13 vocabulary – you’ll still have plenty to work with.
4. Move it
As luscious as your trash talk may be, true fans know that words alone are never enough. Embrace the moment by throwing your whole body into the cheer. Point, scowl, jump, and gyrate when your team enters the field, passes the ball, scores a goal, or screws up a play. If your body is not in motion the vast majority of the time, you’re doing it wrong.
If you’re at a loss for how to properly execute steps 3 & 4, let this video inspire you
(Warning: the video contains strong Spanish language).
5. Smack your buddies
In a display of brotherhood and patriotism, vertically thrust your body into midair after every goal. Aim your leap at a 45˚ angle so as to chest bump your buddy, then audibly smack him or her on the back 2-3 times consecutively. As your feet reconnect with the ground, quickly disentangle your limbs and resume your original position.
6. Dress for the occasion
Drape your body from head to toe in sky blue and white. Don’t be afraid to stretch your (previously narrow) fashion boundaries. Embrace the use of face paints, tattoos, hats, bandanas, and jerseys.
7. Drink Fernet
This shockingly bitter herbal alcohol is the lifeblood of every Argentine celebration. Toss a few ice cubes in a glass, drizzle in a few shots of Fernet Branca, and top it off with Coca Cola – y voilá, you have fernet con coca. The concoction will form a thick layer of beige foam and will fuel you for the long fight ahead.
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Maddie you’re a genius, made me laugh a lot.
Thanks Pame, I tried to capture every ounce of the madness 😉
Madness? Maddie, please! Let me give you another tip… Here it aint madness, its passion!
I stand corrected, from the outside looking in, it’s pure madness – but on the inside, it’s all passion. World Cup 2018, anyone?