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Local Urban Tango Band hits the beat with 6th LP Launch


Altertango Musicians

Altertango Band members in Mendoza

Altertango, completed their 6th album RADIOTANGO in March 2017 and presented it this September in hometown Mendoza.  This power iconic tango band has many years of experience and tours around the world .  In Radiotango, they explore their instrumental side and experiment with harmony, rhythm and melodies, searching for new forms of expression while simultaneously showing a deep respect for the rich heritage of Argentina urban music.

The release party was as unique as the new LP.  Branded as El Happening, the launch was promoted as a gathering local artists, invited to join Altertango on stage for a unique performance.  A beautiful compilation of art, dance, poetry, music, sculpture, theater and texts all happening simultaneously on a colorfully illuminated stage.  See the synergy, created by integrating talented local performers in this video here.

“The energy that was produced in the filming session is the message of our new era of the band: the resonance that gives rhythm to the universe, the frequencies that expand and integrate, the strings and the cables that guide us” mentioned the members of Altertango.

EL HAPPENING was streamed live through radio CAFF (Athletic Club Fernández Fierro, Buenos Aires, Argentina), an auditory self managed by Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro, emblematic of the new generation of tango.

Altertango at El Happening featuring the new LP Radiotango

Altertango at El Happening featuring the new LP Radiotango

Our hats come off for the collective artistic group surrounding the Altertango show including Mariano Mari, local illustrator; Celeste Mari, photographer and visual arts; Juan Gavras Quinteros, sculpter, artist and designer; Tati Conalbi, dancer, choreographer, and designer; Gastón Ortiz Bandés, writer and poet, and Gabriela Psenda, actress and director.

The El Happening was definitely a happening event and we look forward to more cultural moments in the future!

We invite you to hear their urban beats! Click  musical link 

Tango Dancing at El Happening

Tango Dancing at El Happening


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